1. The Wilderness Society and Audubon Alaska
Alaska’s Arctic: Selected Wildlife Values and Special Areas [HERE].

2. Audubon Alaska
Oil & Gas Leasing on Alaska’s North Slope, March 2, 2017 [HERE].
3. Gwich’in Steering Committee
Gwich’in Homeland and Range of the Porcupine (River) Caribou Herd [HERE].
4. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Which birds travel from the Arctic Refuge to or through your area? [HERE].

6. Natural Resources Defense Council
Arctic Refuge Land Grab — The 2000 Acre Myth [HERE].
7. Audubon Alaska
North Slope Oil & Gas Infrastructure [HERE].
8. Audubon Alaska
Development Surrounding Teshekpuk Lake Special Area [HERE].
9. Northern Alaska Environmental Center, The Wilderness Society, and Alaska Center for the Environment
North Slope Toxic Spills 1998-2006, March 30, 2009 [HERE].